Death Benefit for Tiers 2-6

Members who retired under Tiers 2-6 are eligible for a post-retirement Paragraph 2 death benefit, provided they meet eligibility requirements.

Contact Us

800-348-7298, ext. 6110
[email protected]

If the death benefit was in effect when you retired, the payment at death is as follows:

  • 1st year: 50% of the death benefit in effect at retirement.
  • 2nd year: 25% of the benefit at retirement.
  • 3rd year and beyond: 10% of the benefit in effect at retirement, or at age 60 if higher.

Naming Beneficiaries

You may designate a beneficiary(ies) or name your estate as beneficiary for this death benefit. Changes may be made at any time in your secure MyNYSTRS account (see the My Retirement/Beneficiaries page). Or you may file a notarized Designation of Beneficiary for In-Service or Post-Retirement Paragraph 2 Death Benefit (NET-11.4) form.