
Items of interest for retired members and their beneficiaries.

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The Path to Retirement: What Happens After You File Your Retirement Application
A guide for new NYSTRS retirees that explains how the System processes retirement applications.

Retired Members' Handbook
A comprehensive resource for retirees.

Discovering Retirement
A guide to adjusting to retirement.

Working in Retirement
A look at earnings limits and their effect on your NYSTRS retirement benefit.

General Income Tax Information
A tax fact sheet pertaining to loans, annuity savings funds and death benefits. Also addressed are common withholding questions as they relate to your retirement benefit.

When a Member Falls Ill or Passes Away
A publication to help guide NYSTRS members and their loved ones through difficult times, including filing a Power of Attorney (POA) document and reporting a death. More information about a POA is available on our POA FAQs page.

Estate Planning List
Organize your legal and financial documents with this useful list.