Public Pension Partners

NYSTRS is associated with several national organizations in the public pensions, retirement planning and investing fields.

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National Council on Teacher Retirement – An independent association dedicated to safeguarding the integrity of public retirement systems in the United States and its territories to which teachers belong, and to promoting the rights and benefits of all present and future members of the systems.

National Association of State Retirement Administrators – A non-profit association whose members are the directors of the nation's state and local public retirement systems. NASRA members oversee retirement systems that hold more than $2 trillion in assets and provide pension and other benefits to more than two-thirds of all state and local government employees.

National Institute on Retirement Security – A not-for-profit organization established to contribute to informed policymaking by fostering a deep understanding of the value of retirement security to employees, employers, and the economy through national research and education programs. NIRS seeks to encourage the development of public policies that enhance retirement security in America.

Council of Institutional Investors – A non-profit association of public, union and corporate pension funds with combined assets exceeding $3 trillion. Member funds are major long-term shareowners with a duty to protect the retirement assets of millions of American workers. CII strives to educate its members, policymakers and the public about good corporate governance, shareowner rights and related investment issues, and to advocate on the members' behalf.

National Pension Education Association – A national organization of public retirement systems that focuses on educating members about the importance of and the need for retirement planning. NPEA provides networking and educational opportunities for its member systems, sharing information on technology, education and communication successes, as well as trends and legislative issues in the pension industry.

Ceres – The Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies (Ceres) is a national network of investors, environmental organizations and other public interest groups working with companies and investors to address sustainability challenges such as global climate change. Its coalition of investor groups, environmental organizations and investment funds engages directly with companies on environmental and social issues.

National Public Pension Coalition – NPPC believes every American should be able to retire in dignity. The coalition works to preserve the financial security of all workers for generations to come.