Get to Know NYSTRS
A snapshot of who we are, and how we’re governed and funded.
NYSTRS Finances
The facts on NYSTRS’ finances. The bottom line: NYSTRS is one of the best-funded public pension plans in the nation. It is secure and sustainable.
The Pension Dollar
The NYSTRS pension dollar shows how the System is funded and the impact pensions have on the economy.
NYSTRS: Modeling Excellence
The numbers tell the story: NYSTRS is healthy, efficient and sustainable.
A Secure and Sustainable Model
Over the past 30 years, NYSTRS' net position has increased more than 250% despite paying out almost four times what it received in contributions.
Average Employer Contribution Rate
This chart illustrates the percentage of salary school districts contribute to NYSTRS on behalf of members.
The NYSTRS Retiree
A snapshot of what a typical retired member looks like.
Benefits Paid by County
See the total payments and number of benefit recipients by New York State county.