Benefit Estimate Request

You may obtain a service retirement benefit estimate in the following ways. While they are valuable tools to assist with your retirement planning, be sure to schedule a benefits consultation with NYSTRS before filing for retirement.

1. MyNYSTRS Pension Estimator: This online estimator uses your most-recent earnings and service credit information to estimate your pension. You can run the numbers using various dates of retirement and earnings projections. Estimates can be run for the Maximum benefit payment or an option that would provide beneficiary protection. Login to MyNYSTRS and visit the My Retirement/Pension Estimate page.

2. Service Retirement Estimate Request: Print this form (EST-35.1) and mail it to NYSTRS. We will then mail you an estimate.

If you are no longer able to work because of a serious illness or injury, you may qualify for a disability retirement benefit. Visit the Disability Retirement page for more information.