Report Fraud

Suspect fraud? Let us know.

Contact Us

800-348-7298, ext. 2846
[email protected]

NYSTRS is committed to ensuring the integrity of the System and the benefits it provides. Our Internal Audit staff routinely reviews or audits all aspects of the System, including member and employer records. If you suspect anyone of attempting to defraud the Retirement System or misusing System assets, please report the complaint of fraud, waste or abuse to us. If you choose, you may make the complaint anonymously.

  • You may use any one of the following to file a complaint:

    • Complete and submit a complaint form. You may submit the form electronically or by mail to: Investigations Unit, P.O. Box 11535, Albany, NY 12211-0535. (Refer to the form for further instructions.)
    • Email us at [email protected].
    • Call us at 800-348-7298, ext. 2846.

    General questions not related to fraud, waste and abuse may be sent to us at [email protected] or by calling 800-348-7298.

  • To sufficiently investigate an allegation of fraud, waste or abuse, it would be helpful to know specific details. Such information will enable NYSTRS' Internal Audit staff to adequately conduct an investigation. Please refer to our FAQs: Reporting Fraud, Waste or Abuse.

  • NYSTRS' Internal Audit staff will conduct a preliminary assessment with one of the following results:

    • A review or audit will be conducted. The Internal Audit staff will thoroughly research the allegation and determine the nature of the action that should be taken to satisfactorily resolve the complaint. This includes adjustment of salary and/or service credit, cancellation of membership, adjustment of benefits, and, if warranted, referral to the Office of the State Comptroller and/or the NYS Attorney General for criminal prosecution; or,
    • If the matter is deemed to be outside the scope of NYSTRS, the complaint will be referred to a more appropriate agency or authority; or,
    • If the matter does not legitimately constitute a case of fraud, waste or abuse, the case will be closed.