Service Milestones

Your service credit accumulates as you work. As you achieve certain service milestones, you become eligible for additional benefits.

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800-348-7298, ext. 6250
[email protected]

1 Year of Credit

  • You will be covered by an in-service death benefit.
  • If you are a Tier 3-6 member who dies as the result of an accident sustained while teaching, an accidental death benefit may be payable to your beneficiary instead of the in-service death benefit.
  • If you are a Tier 3-6 member you may borrow from your member contributions once per calendar year (Jan. 1-Dec. 31). If you joined NYSTRS prior to July 1, 2022, you must have a minimum of $1,334 in your member contributions fund; if you joined on or after July 1, 2022, you must have a minimum of $2,000. If you are a Tier 1 or 2 member, you must have a minimum of $400 in your Annuity Savings Fund to be eligible for a loan. For more information about loans, see our publication Borrowing From Your NYSTRS Contributions.

2 Years of Credit

You will be eligible to purchase credit for prior service. For more information, see our publication You Deserve the Credit.

5 Years of Credit

If you are a Tier 3-6 member, your pension became vested, and you are eligible for a NYSTRS service retirement benefit at age 55. (Vested Tier 6 members with an inactive membership must be at least 63 to retire.)

10 Years of Credit

  • If you are a Tier 4 member, you stopped making 3% required contributions when you attained 10 years of credit or membership, whichever occurred first.
  • You may be eligible for a disability retirement benefit if you cannot continue to work because of an illness or injury.
  • If you leave teaching with at least 10 years of service credit and die before retirement, you will be covered by a vested death benefit of half the in-service death benefit that would have been paid on the last day of working.

20 Years of Credit

  • If you are a Tier 1 or 2 member, the pension factor used in your benefit calculation will no longer include a service-related reduction.
  • If you are a Tier 3 or 4 member, the pension factor used in your benefit calculation will increase from 1.67% per year to 2% per year.
  • If you are a Tier 6 member, the pension factor used in your benefit calculation will increase from 1.67% per year to 1.75% per year (i.e., 35% for your first 20 years) plus 2% for each year beyond 20.

25 Years of Credit

  • If you are a Tier 5 member, the pension factor used in your benefit calculation will increase from 1.67% per year to 2% per year.

30 Years of Credit

  • If you are a Tier 2, 3 or 4 member, you can retire without an age-related reduction to your pension factor when you attain 30 years of credit or reach age 62.
  • If you retire under Tier 4, you will receive an additional 1.5% per year toward your pension factor for each year of credit beyond 30 years.
  • If you are a Tier 5 member, you can retire without an age-related reduction to your pension factor when you retire either at: age 62 or later; or, at age 57 or later with at least 30 years of service credit.

35 Years of Credit

  • If you are a Tier 1 member, you can retire at any age.