Dr. Phyllis S. Harrington

School Administrator


Dr. Harrington, the superintendent of schools at Oceanside School District, was appointed to the 10-member Board by the Commissioner of Education in October 2010. She chairs the Compensation Committee and serves on the Audit and Executive committees.

Dr. Harrington began her career in education as a teacher. She also previously served as elementary school principal and director of special education. She earned her Doctorate of Education from Hofstra University, and her M.S. and B.A. from Adelphi University. Dr. Harrington currently serves on the Executive Committee of the New York State Council of School Superintendents. Her professional affiliations include the American Association of School Administrators, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development and Learning Forward.

Headshot of Dr. Phyllis S. Harrington, School Administrator Appointed by Commissioner of Education