NYSTRS Celebrates 100th Anniversary


It’s our centennial and we’re celebrating all year long! NYSTRS is proudly turning 100 this year: 100 years of fulfilling our mission to provide you with a secure pension for life.

NYSTRS was launched by the New York State Legislature in 1921 to provide a safe, defined benefit pension for public school teachers. We plan to celebrate that remarkable accomplishment throughout 2021 by sharing information about the history of your Retirement System plus stories, photos and reflections sent in by members.

Join the celebration by visiting our special anniversary webpage at NYSTRS.org/100 for an overview of NYSTRS’ origins and a timeline of key events in NYSTRS’ history. Also, take a look at our centennial edition of the Your Source newsletter, including an article on a family of teachers spanning the 100-year history of NYSTRS. All active members will receive a print copy of this keepsake edition in the mail, and retired members will later receive a similar special edition of the Resource newsletter.

We invite you to check back again throughout the year as we post more stories and photos from members plus reflections on the teaching profession and your NYSTRS pension. Come as you are! No RSVP required!