Some financial planners claim to be experts on NYSTRS benefits, reaching out to members through ads, videos, social media posts, mailings and publications. Their marketing materials may look official, but make no mistake: these impersonators are not affiliated with NYSTRS.
While these advisors may offer pertinent financial services, they are neither authorized nor licensed to speak on behalf of NYSTRS.
A rule of thumb: If a seminar or consultation comes with a price tag, it’s not from NYSTRS. There is never a cost to talk to a NYSTRS representative about your public pension benefits. And if you see a book for sale or service that’s charging for financial advice, it’s not from NYSTRS.
For an overview of NYSTRS’ free retirement planning services, our Ready to Retire page is a good place to start. The information, publications and videos provided there will walk you through everything you need to know – from what to do early in the process to what to expect after you file for retirement. Learn about our Pension & Retirement Education Program (PREP) seminars that help members prepare for retirement, as well as our one-on-one Benefits Consultations for members close to retirement.
Like all our planning services, official NYSTRS publications are free and available in our online Library.
To explore your membership and benefits, see the Active Members area. For members at mid- or late-career preparing for retirement, the Nearing Retirement page includes guides and resources to help you get started.
For more information, visit the Beware of NYSTRS Imposters page.