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Don’t Be Fooled: Watch Out for NYSTRS Imposters
A rule of thumb: If a seminar or consultation comes with a price tag, it’s not from NYSTRS. -
Delegate Election Period is Now Open
The election period for the next two-year term for delegates and alternates is now open. Elections must be held between March 1 and June 1, 2025, with results reported to NYSTRS by July 1. -
Defined Benefit Pension Spending Helps Local and National Economies
Retiree spending of defined benefit pension benefits generated $1.5 trillion in total economic output in 2022, according to a new study. -
Stewardship Report Highlights Responsible Risk Mitigation Strategies
NYSTRS’ 2025 Stewardship Report outlines the Board’s commitment to skillful, prudent management of System assets.
Retirees: 1099-R Tax Statements Mailed, Available in MyNYSTRS
If you are a NYSTRS retiree, your 1099-R tax statement for calendar year 2024 pension earnings is now available in MyNYSTRS.
Annual Report Highlights Steady Gains, Fund’s Strength
In a year of moderate growth amid inflation and interest rate concerns, NYSTRS reported steady and consistent gains, according to its recently released financial report. -
Delegates Elect Iberger, Little at Annual Delegates Meeting
Delegates unanimously re-elected Eric J. Iberger from the Bayport-Blue Point School District and elected Donald A. Little III from the Syracuse City School District to serve on NYSTRS’ Board. -
Your Contributions Work for You!
NYSTRS is a defined benefit pension plan that provides retirees with a guaranteed monthly benefit, thanks in part to member contributions. -
Little Joins NYSTRS Board of Trustees
Donald A. Little III, a teacher at the Syracuse City School District, was appointed to the NYSTRS' Board of Trustees. -
COLA Takes Effect With Sept. 30 Benefit Payment
The cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for Sept. 2024 through Aug. 2025 benefit payments is 1.8%. By law, eligible retirees who have an annual benefit of $18,000 or more will receive a monthly increase of $27 beginning with the Sept. 30 pension payment. -
NYSTRS Launches New Logo
After 24 years of service to NYSTRS, our logo has officially retired! We recently unveiled a new logo, which is part of a phased rebrand. -
Purchasing Prior Service? The Timing Matters
Did you know it is less expensive to purchase prior New York state service credit earlier in your career? -
NYSTRS Ranked in Top 10 Retirement Funds
A recent national survey once again named NYSTRS among the largest retirement funds in the country based on total assets.
Four Fundamentals of Security
NYSTRS is always here to help you build the foundation for your retirement: a secure pension. Learn the fundamentals of preparing for your future while keeping your information secure.
1099-Rs Available in MyNYSTRS
Retirees: Your 1099-R tax statement is available in your online MyNYSTRS account.
Annual Report: NYSTRS Remains Strong and Secure
NYSTRS' strength and status as one of the largest and best-funded public pension funds in the country has been reaffirmed by a recently released financial report.
Delegates Re-Elect Chetney to NYSTRS Board
Delegates attending NYSTRS’ 2023 Annual Delegates Meeting re-elected Baldwinsville teacher Elizabeth A. Chetney to NYSTRS’ Board of Trustees.
Farfaglia Returns to NYSTRS Board in New Role
Paul J. Farfaglia has been elected by the New York State Board of Regents to NYSTRS' Board of Trustees, marking a return to the Board he previously served for a decade until his retirement from teaching in 2019.
Eligible Retirees to Receive COLA Increase; Letters to Arrive by Oct. 14
Eligible retirees will receive an extra $37.50 monthly beginning with the September 29 pension payment under New York’s legislated cost-of-living adjustment (COLA).
Beware of Fake NYS Retirement Mobile App on Google Play
A fraudulent mobile app claiming to be "NYS Retirement" is currently available on Google Play. Do not download or use this fraudulent app. It is not affiliated with NYSTRS and may be an attempt to steal your personal data.
Retirement Filing Made Easy
Deciding when to retire takes a lot of thought. One part of the process that is easy: Filing online!
Retirement Planning Step by Step
If you’re thinking about retiring this year, you may have lots of questions. We are here to help you every step of the way!
Defined Benefit Pensions Boost Economy
Defined benefit pensions, like the one offered by NYSTRS, provided a valuable boost to state and national economies during the first year of the pandemic, a new study finds.
COVID-19 Update & FAQs
Review this headline often for the latest updates. PREP seminar videos are available online and consultations are being done by phone, personal device video and at several video consultation sites around the state.
Keefe Re-Elected to NYSTRS Board
Retired teacher David P. Keefe of Hempstead has been re-elected to a new three-year term on the System’s 10-member Board of Trustees. Keefe, who was first elected in 2004, currently serves as Board president.
Delegates Re-Elect Benaquisto to NYSTRS Board
Delegates attending NYSTRS’ 2022 Annual Delegates Meeting re-elected Schenectady teacher Juliet C. Benaquisto to the NYSTRS Board of Trustees. Nearly 600 delegates from across the state participated in the Nov. 6-7 meeting.
Pensions Key to Teacher Retention
Improved pensions, healthcare benefits and salary are key tools that should be used to attract and retain public school teachers and staff, according to a new national report.
Election Being Held for Retired Teacher Board Seat
An election is being held for the retired teacher member seat on NYSTRS' Board. The candidates are incumbent Board President David P. Keefe of Hempstead and Sally L. Courtright of Loudonville.
Pension Spending Boosts Rural Economies
Retired public employees who live and spend their pension dollars in small towns and rural communities help jumpstart their local economies – especially during troubled times, according to a new study by the National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS).
Help Find Former Members Owed Refunds
Teachers who left public school employment before becoming vested may have forgotten that they are eligible for a refund of their NYSTRS contributions. We want to get those funds into the hands of their rightful owners, and you can help.
Eligible Retirees to Receive COLA Increase
Eligible retirees will receive an extra $45 monthly beginning with the September 30 pension payment under New York’s legislated cost-of-living adjustment (COLA).
New Legislation Impacts NYSTRS Members
Legislation enacted as part of the state budget now allows Tier 5 and 6 members to vest with five years of service credit, makes changes to Tier 6 member contribution calculations, and extends the suspension of the cap on earnings in retirement for work at a school district or BOCES.
DB Pensions Proven Cost-Effective
Defined benefit (DB) pension plans, such as your NYSTRS plan, deliver retirement benefits at half the cost of 401(k)-style defined contribution (DC) plans, according to a new national study.
NYSTRS Board Adopts Climate Change Action Plan
Plan reflects the Board’s deliberative process to analyze climate risks and opportunities related to NYSTRS’ investment portfolio and is consistent with its fiduciary duties to nearly 435,000 System members. -
Board Lowers Return Assumption
NYSTRS’ Board recently lowered the System’s assumed rate of return to 6.95%.
Delegates Elect Two NYSTRS Teacher Trustees
Delegates attending NYSTRS’ 2021 Annual Delegates Meeting elected Long Island teacher Eric J. Iberger and Schenectady teacher Juliet C. Benaquisto to the NYSTRS Board of Trustees. Nearly 600 delegates from across the state participated in the meeting, which was a one-day virtual event.
Benaquisto Joins NYSTRS Board of Trustees
Juliet C. Benaquisto, a teacher in the Schenectady City School District, was appointed to NYSTRS' Board.
Eligible Retirees to Receive COLA Increase
Eligible retirees will receive an extra $21 monthly beginning with the September 30 pension payment under New York’s legislated cost-of-living adjustment (COLA).
NYSTRS Achieves a Trifecta
NYSTRS has won a Triple Crown... not for horse racing but for excellence in financial reporting. The award, from a national finance association, honors government organizations for excellence in clear and detailed financial reporting.
Defined Benefit Pensions Boost Economy
Defined benefit pensions, like the one offered by NYSTRS, provide a huge boost to state and national economies, especially during uncertain times, a new study finds.
Mahoney Joins NYSTRS Board of Trustees
Ruth Mahoney, a banking executive from Albany, was elected by the New York State Board of Regents to NYSTRS' Board.
NYSTRS Ranks High in Pension Strength
NYSTRS ranks well above the national average among public pension plans in both funding level and the amount of revenue coming from investment earnings, according to a new survey. Both factors are key indicators of the strength of the System.
New Features Available in MyNYSTRS
You already know that you can use your MyNYSTRS account to access your membership information, file forms and message us securely. Now MyNYSTRS has introduced even more self-service tools.
NYSTRS Celebrates 100th Anniversary
It’s our centennial and we’re celebrating all year long! NYSTRS is proudly turning 100 this year. Join the party by visiting our centennial webpage at throughout the year.
Beware of Unemployment Fraud
Nationwide, imposters are filing claims for unemployment benefits using stolen personally identifiable information (PII). Members who believe their PII has been compromised should contact the System and consider adding a theft of ID flag to their account.
Iberger Joins NYSTRS Board of Trustees
Eric J. Iberger, a teacher in the Bayport-Blue Point Union Free School District, was appointed to NYSTRS’ 10-member Retirement Board. He is one of three active teacher members on the Board.
PAFR Summarizes NYSTRS' Financial Outlook
NYSTRS continues to be one of the top-performing, most secure and well-funded public pension plans in the country, according to the System’s recently released 2020 Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR).
1099-R Tax Statements Available in MyNYSTRS
Your 1099-R tax statement for calendar year 2020 pension earnings is now available online in your secure MyNYSTRS account. Paper copies, if you elected that option, will be mailed later this month and will likely arrive in early February.